Chandelier cleaning
Bring the shine back to your chandelier! Our professional chandelier cleaning service is second to none and includes hand washing and drying, bulb replacement, and minor repairs.
Lighting & Home Control

We can make your vision a reality and give your home a custom solution that will put your home in a whole new light. The latest technology, features and creative lighting design solutions… to give your home the WOW factor, contact us to schedule a free consultation.
Home Video & Audio

The latest technology, designed to fit your space and perfectly placed in your home to take movie night to a whole new level. Fusion Development can help you realize your dream of the ultimate custom home theater design. Request a free consultation.
Landscape Lighting
Transform your home into a welcoming and luxurious atmosphere perfectly suited to your property. Landscape lighting improves safety with a properly lighted walkway, and increases the value of your home. Learn more about some of our systems here!
About us
From custom landscape lighting, home video and audio systems, to home security, Fusion Development does it all. Based in the Pittsburgh area, we are looking forward to working with you to bring your home to life and designing a solution that will exceed all your expectations… Read More >
Energy Efficient Solutions
Reduce your energy costs and improve your carbon footprint. Lighting technologies used by Fusion Development will ensure your home is meeting today’s energy standards and saving you money.